Thanks for Supporting Tents to Rents!

Thanks to our partners who hosted fundraising events! Click a link on the right to get more info.

And, thank you for supporting Tents to Rents!

You can still donate below.

Hops for Hope!

Grounds for Hope!

Residents' Stories

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To see a biography or donate securely on-line, click on the partner's name. Click on MVCH to donate without sponsoring an individual.     
Partner Name Amount
$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800 $900 $1000 $1100 $1200 $1300 $1400 $1500 $1600 $1700 $1800 $1900 $2000
Anne P. Hubbell, Ph.D. $775.00
First Christian Church in Las Cruces $1,210.00
Good Sam’s Housing Helpers $31,975.00
Greg Smith $420.00
Hearts For Hope $4,850.00
Homes for the Holidays $1,040.00
J. Valerie Torres $150.00
Liz Schirmer $500.00
Marci Dickerson and Don Kurtz $5,600.00
MVCH $42,179.98
Nigel Holman $1,545.00
NMSU Interfraternity Council $60.00
NMSU Panhellenic Council of Sororities $50.00
Of the Same Ilk $5,030.00
Page Turners $775.00
Sherry Kollmann, PhD $1,400.00
St. Andrews Episcopal Church $5,000.00
Stroll Las Cruces $50.00
Temple Beth El $8,496.00
Unitarian Universalist Church $2,485.00
Partners Raised $114,474.05
Total $137,879.62

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